➜ IT services using your phone Download and access IT services/tools on your phone
Webmail📧 Connect to your student / staff email
➜ Extranet: The Student Portal🎓 Connect to Extranet and access your personal student and course information (timetable, grades etc)
Get started with Moodle in order to access your courses’ information, material, assignments and activities
➜ VPN Access (eduVPN) Access the University’s Network even if you are Off-Campus
➜ e-Library (& eduVPN) Access the E-Library Resources
➜ WiFi connection settings (MS Windows) Connect on Campus
➜ Software Installation and user-friendly guides for popular software (incl. Microsoft 365)
🌐 Virtual Computer Laboratories (VCL) Connect with a University PC even when you are Off-Campus
In case you don't find a solution to your problem in the guides above, you can send a Ticket through Helpdesk and a CSD officer will contact you as soon as possible.